Brian Burger, this athletic legend is excited to share his knowledge of kayaking and the outdoors with this year’s Cascadia kids. Good fortune has brought the head coach of World Class Academy to the Gorge this summer. He will join Cascadia School and coach beginner and intermediate students. Brian hails from Steamboat Springs and he’s fostered an incredible knowledge and love for the outdoors through whitewater kayaking, skiing, and surfing. With his experience he is sure to take his students to the next level advancing their kayaking skills and competencies.
Marleigh Poulsen is dedicated to seeing and helping more girls get out on the river. From the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Marleigh has been seen kayaking deep in the Urubamba Valley in Peru and paddling through the beautiful, fierce rapids of the Alseseca River in Mexico. Her love for the outdoors flourished as she got to know the most wonderful people on these wild rivers. With three years of experience teaching and showing others the sport, Marleigh couldn’t be more excited to spend another year with Cascadia Adventure Education School.
Owen River, This stand out World Class Academy graduate couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with Cascadia Kayak School. Owen is one of the fastest upcoming kayakers around and he is keen on working with Columbia River Gorge youth this summer. Born in the Coastal Desert of San Diego, Owen grew up inspired by the beauty of the natural world. Owen has traveled to six countries to learn and appreciate nature's gifts and foreign cultures. During his journey around the world he gained a greater appreciation for the wonders of nature and the importance of stewardship towards protecting them.
Santiago surprised us all when he called us up and offered to volunteer with the school this summer. He is one of Chile’s best young kayakers and former World Class Kayak Academy student. He enjoys working with youth and sharing his passion for kayaking. Born and raised in the concrete jungle, our Chilean volunteer never felt too comfortable playing the city boy role. His parents showed him a path involving nature and the river as he hopped in a raft on the Maipo River near Santiago, Chile. He learned to kayak and his love for whitewater grew. He pursued the sport with ferocity and hard work as he traveled through Chile, Costa Rica, and the United States.
Knox Hammack, Cascadia Kayak School veteran, is ready for another summer teaching on the beautiful Klickitat River. With one of the smoothest and most precise kayaking styles in the world, Knox also has an untamed charisma and love for teaching. With extreme safety and paddling experience high in the Andes mountains of Chile and deep in the jungles of Costa Rica, Knox is the best paddling coach in the Pacific Northwest. After attending World Class Kayak Academy, he now lives and goes to school in Bellingham, a river abounding paradise where he can continue school and push the sport of whitewater kayaking to the next level.