Admissions Policies

We want you to know our home office staff looks forward to working with you, taking care to answer all your questions, and providing specifics on everything you’ll need.  Please don’t hesitate to give us a call with your questions.  We’re here to help and make your entire experience with Cascadia School awesome.

Application Form

Download the Course Application Form (a fillable PDF document) and submit it to: Cascadia Adventure Education School, PO Box 240, Trout Lake, WA  98650.  There is no final deadline for submitting applications (although many trips fill early). 

Upon Enrollment

After acceptance, a Course Preparation Packet (CPP) will be sent to you.  In it will be a binder with information about your course.  Several release and acknowledgement forms will be included for the student and parents to fill out.  A medical form must be filled out and signed by a physician certifying that the student is in good physical and mental condition.  



A deposit and all required forms are due 14 days after the receipt of your Course Preparation Packet (CPP).  Your deposit will be applied to the full cost of tuition.  Final payment for the course is due no later than 14 days prior to the start of your course.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

An applicant who withdraws in writing within the 14 days prior to the course start datewill forfeit the deposit.  If you withdraw your child after the start of the course there are no refunds for any reason whatsoever (including, but not limited to: voluntary withdrawal, illness or injury, summer school, or any other reason).  We strongly encourage you to purchase tuition insurance which will reimburse you for cancellation under certain circumstances (e.g. medical or health, family illness, etc.).   Again, If a student should withdraw from the course voluntarily, for whatever reason, after the start of the program, no refund will be granted.  If a trip is cancelled prior to its start date, Cascadia will refund any payment.  If Cascadia must terminate an ongoing course, Cascadia will refund the cost of the course on a daily pro-rated basis.

Change in Course Schedule or Activity

Although we do our very best to adhere to the course schedule sometimes unforeseen events (weather, forest fire smoke, water level conditions or mechanical difficulties) may cause us to switch up the schedule or course activities.  If a featured activity is cancelled for any reason every attempt will be made to replace it with a similar one.  

Waiting List  

If you are a waitlisted our admissions office will take great care in communicating with you about your status.  If a student’s course choice is not available, your deposit will be returned in full.

Medical Treatment

Any expenses related to physician care, medication, or hospitalization of the student, as well as any costs incurred by Cascadia instructors or staff while accompanying the student and expenses related to leaving and rejoining the group, shall be paid by the parent/guardian.

Medical and Personal Property Insurance

Students must be covered by their own medical insurance.   Cascadia School insurance does not cover loss, damage or theft of personal property and equipment belonging to students.  We suggest that you confirm your insurance coverage for both medical and property insurance.

No Experience Necessary

Previous experience is not necessary. Students from a wide range of backgrounds join us -- many with outdoor experience and some are “first timers”, but are enthusiastic and ready to learn.  Students in good health, both physically and emotionally will have a positive, life changing experience. 

Cascadia School Policy

In accordance with federal law and the United States Department of Agriculture policy, Cascadia Adventure Education School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or religion. 
Cascadia School is selective and reserves the right to deny admission to anyone that Cascadia, in its sole discretion, believes is unable to meet the physical, mental, social or safety demands of its courses.


Students may be days away from a phone.  Often it is impossible to give parents specific updates while students are immersed in their course.  Many of the areas we travel are not within cellular phone service.  Staff will carry a satelitte phone into wilderness regions, but its use is reserved for emergencies only. 

Zero Tolerance

Zero tolerance.  No alcohol. No drugs. No tobacco products.  No possession, no use or purchase of alcohol, drugs or cigarettes.  No sexual relations.  Students in violation of this policy will be dismissed and sent home at their own expense.  In such an event, no refund will be granted.   Additionally, if a student is disruptive or hazardous to the safety of others he/she will be sent home at their own expense and no refund will be granted.  Each student and their parent will be required to sign an honor contract and agree to adhere to the policies of the school.
Youth Camping Trips, Summer Study Programs, Alaska Teen Travel, Washington Study Abroad Programs

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