Risk management is the process of understanding and anticipating the risk of leading groups in wilderness environments while pursuing outdoor sports and activities. At Cascadia we have developed risk management systems that include specified field practices to prevent injury and illness. Our paramount duty is instituting prevention strategies, conducting hazard assessments and ensuring that our instructors are trained and competent.
That said, our courses are not inherently risk free as we face environmental hazards each day in the course of our activities such as weather, darkness, falling rock, poison oak, moving water and hiking on wet or uneven terrain, to name a few. On a daily basis our instructors’ model risk management and safety practices. Additionally, on all of our courses, we teach risk management skills to our students enabling them to identify and assess hazards and choose appropriate responses to them. For example, before a cook crew begins preparing a meal our instructors will teach proper ways to cut vegetables, handle sharp knives, deal with boiling water and operate camp stoves.
In all of our activities, we stress situational awareness, decision making, good judgment, and setting clear expectations. As each course progresses we find students taking pride in looking after each other and making sure everyone keeps safe and happy.
In the unlikely event that a student becomes sick or injured we can usually treat the majority of ailments. Our staff members are fully trained in first aid and emergency evacuation procedures. All of our lead instructors are certified Wilderness First Responders. They receive formal training and take an 80 hour medical training course at the Wilderness Medical Training Institute. Cascadia is recognized for establishing effective safety standards and selecting highly capable instructors to lead its courses.
8 Day "Call of the Wild" Adventure Expedition
Alaska - Pacific Northwest - Costa Rica