What We’re Reading...

These books have been recommended by staff and friends of Cascadia.  If you are looking for a good read you may want to pick up one of these titles.

 For Youth…

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
by Herman Hesse
One Man’s Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey
by Sam Kieth
By Tom Bodett
The Highest Tide
by Jim Lynch
Sand County Almanac
by Aldo Leopold
A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf
by John Muir
The River Why
by David Duncan
Addicted to Danger
by Jim Wickwire

For Parents…

The Earth Speaks by Steve Van Matre

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children
      from Nature-Deficit Disorder
by Richard Louv
All the Pretty Horses
by Cormac McCarthy
Islands in the Stream
by Ernest Hemingway
A Narrow Road to the Interior
by Kamiko Hahn
In Patagonia
by Bruce Chatwin
The Wild Trees
by Richard Preston

For Educators...

Earth Education - a new beginning...  by Steve Van Matre


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