Giving Back – Cascadia’s Scholarship Program

At its inception Cascadia instituted strategies to keep the cost of its courses at affordable levels.  While a Cascadia course is a great value many students still need financial assistance to achieve their educational goals.  Financial aid is administered through the school’s Scholarship Fund and is generated in a variety of ways:

“Cascadia Gives Back”– This program sets aside 10% of Cascadia’s pretax earnings specifically earmarked for scholarships. 

Contributors – Individuals, parents, alumni, and community foundations donate to the Scholarship Fund.  Donors are eligible for a tax exemption.  In addition, occasional grant monies from state and federal agencies support the Fund. 

Corporate Partners – Our corporate partners support the mission of Cascadia recognizing the benefits it provides to its students. “Corporate giving” supports scholarships as well as equipment and in-kind services needed for the school’s operation.

Fundraising Events - Cascadia hosts annual fund raising events such as Gear Swap and its Chautauqua Speaker Series to support the Scholarship Fund.

Scholarships - How to Apply

Given the Scholarship Fund’s current resources, Cascadia does not grant full scholarships, but instead, seeks to provide the most eligible families with what it can to make attendance a reality.  Students applying to the scholarship program are ranked according to assessment in four categories:

  1. Financial Need
  2. Academics
  3. Character
  4. Student Motivational Narrative

While there is no specific application deadline, scholarship funds are awarded on a rolling basis.  Due to a limited amount of scholarships we recommend applying as early as possible.  To apply for a scholarship, download and submit the Scholarship Fund Application.  All applicants are 100 percent accountable for ensuring their applications are complete.    

If families are unable to qualify for aid or funds are unavailable, Cascadia provides a booklet to download full of information, tips, and strategies that assist students with their own individual fund raising efforts. 

  Click here for this informative PDF File: 

Funding your Cascadia Course


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