Friends of Cascadia

Each year our school educates students who are highly motivated and come with a deep desire to connect with the natural world while adventuring in the out-of-doors.  Reading through the motivational statements of our students and their journal entries will certainly reaffirm this claim. 

Friends of Cascadia are parents, friends, alumni and supporters who contribute to the school’s dedicated scholarship fund making it possible for underserved youth to take a course.  Consider your contribution a worthy investment.  Because of what our graduates have learned, they will take better care of the natural world that surrounds us all and be engaged citizens of our global society. 

Lean into the light. Join us and help lead the way with your contribution.

You can send contributions to:

Cascadia Scholarship Escrow Fund
c/o James Wells
PO Box 240
Trout Lake, WA   98650

If you would like more information, please call us at 509-637-5494 or email:


Outdoor Adventure School, Youth Adventure Camp, Alaska Teen Tours, Teen Outdoor Programs

Who We Are

Course Instructors

Our Backyard

Partnerships and Affiliations